

ThunderRacer is a decentralised gaming platform owned by its very active team and backed by its supportive community. We welcome and embrace diverse perspectives to build Thunder into the best gamify platform and community in BSC.

Low Tax Mechanics

$RACERR has a 6% taxation on all buy and sell transactions. This is used with longevity in mind to facilitate the ongoing token buybacks necessary to airdrop back to our top players every week, investing into strategic marketing for ThunderRun and ThunderRacer exposure, and finally to doctor the chart with buybacks in strategically timed places in order to keep a healthy chart and stable trading environment within our ecosystem.

Locked LP

The team has locked the LP tokens within the DxSale liquidity locker with no plans to edit, change or withdraw at any point. Our smart contract will be 100% secure with no hidden backdoors/functions which may appear malicious, this will of course be able to view for all investors who show an interest in our solidity code once the contract is released before our launch.

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